Ancient Olympia 17-21 April 2024
Hellenic College of Thessaloniki, as a member of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network, on its participation at the 5th Annual World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium presents its project entitled “Recipes & Taste of Bread”, which belongs to the theme of Mediterranean Diet, especially “Oil, Olives and Bread: Recipes and Taste”. The theme of the symposium, organized by the Hellenic Cultural & Educational Club for UNESCO with the support of Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO, the UN.RIC., and the UNESCO Chair of Intercultural Policy for an Active Citizenship and Solidarity, under the auspices of the International Olympic Academy, entitled “This is our living heritage!” was the motivation for its creation by a group of students serving the SDG4,7, SDG3 and SDG11 for a “Transformative Education”.
The project belongs to the initiatives of the Department of International and European Programs of the Hellenic College of Thessaloniki and the Club for UNESCO (UNESCO Club) existed in it, working on the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
This is my heritage – infografics (click here)
It was inscribed in 2013 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity[1]
It is specifically acknowledged as a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols, and traditions concerning crops, harvesting, fishing, animal husbandry, conservation, processing, cooking, and particularly the sharing and consumption of food,” not as a particular set of foods.
[1] Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 8.COM 8.10. Διαθέσιμο στο:
“Koulouri” Thessalonikis
koulouri thessalonikis – infografics (click here)
“Koulouri” is a bread and sesame-seeded delicacy, shaped like a wheel, i.e. a circle formed by a cylindrical piece of bread.
The word “koulouri” comes from the Byzantine word “kollikion”, which is mentioned in many Byzantine texts. In Greece and also in Turkey it is a popular dish that is usually
consumed in the morning. The “koulouri” Thessalonikis is a very healthy and cheap snack. You can eat it while walking down the street, take it with you to work and pair it with cheese for a light and energizing meal.
– Flour (1kg)
– Sugar (40g)
– Yeast (30g)
– Oil (150g)
– Water (1/2)
– Salt (20g)
– Sesame
How it is prepared:
- Add the flour, oil, yeast and sugar in a bowl and mix. After mixing them, add the salt with a little lukewarm water to make the dough.
- Then put the bowl in a bag and cover it with a blanket in a warm room until it doubles in size.
- Take pieces of the dough and shape it into a round or oblong shape
- Soak the dough in water and then in sesame seeds.
- Finally, bake them at 180o C.
Greek traditional bread
– Flour
– Water
– Salt
– Sourdough (instead of yeast, which is dough kept from the previous bread we kneaded)
-Poppy seeds (optional)
How it is prepared:
- First, add your ingredients in a bowl (the flour, water, salt and yeast)
- Then add some flour and shape the dough into the desired shape.
- Place it in a baking pan and cut it.
- Finally, place them in the oven at 200 C for one hour.
Wholemeal bread
– Wholemeal Flour
– Water
– Salt
– Sourdough (instead of yeast, which is dough kept from the previous bread we kneaded)
How it is prepared:
- First, add your ingredients in a bowl (the flour, water, salt and yeast)
- Then add some flour and shape the dough into the desired shape.
- Place it in a baking pan and cut it in small loafs.
- Finally, place them in the oven at 200 o C for one hour.
Christopsomo Bread or “Bread of Christ”
Christopsomo is the bread (loaf) or bun that Greek housewives prepare 2-3 days before Christmas especially for this great religious celebration.
Christopsomo is one of the oldest Christmas customs in Greece.
“Christopsomo” or otherwise “Bread of Christ” was made, more often, on Christmas Eve by the housewife with special reverence. This custom is used, mostly, in the villages of Greece, nowadays.
In the “Bread of Christ”, the cross must be engraved on the top. Around there are various decorations carved into the dough or additional ornaments. These emphasized the purpose of the “Christopsomo” and expressed the various beliefs of the Christians.
On Christmas day, the householder takes the Christmas bread, crosses it, cuts it and distributes it to his whole family around the Christmas table.
– Flour
– Water
– Salt
– Sourdough (yeast, kept from the previous bread we kneaded)
– Sugar
How it is prepared:
- First, add your ingredients in a bowl (the flour, water, salt and yeast)
- Then add some flour and shape the dough into a round shape.
- Place them in a baking pan and make a cross of dough.
- Finally, place them in the oven at 200 o C for one hour.
Ιt is a kind of bread, which is common in celebrations and social events in Greece. It is delicate to prepare, but very tasty and fragrant. It takes time and needs a way – to be there for its inflatables.
– Flour
– Water
– Salt
– Sourdough (yeast, kept from the previous bread we kneaded)
– Chickpeas (already boiled)
How it is prepared:
- First, add the ingredients in a bowl (flour, water, salt, chickpeas and sourdough). The chickpeas have already been soaked and boiled and we remove the foam that comes out when boiling them and mix it with the flour. This procedure is done 7 times.
- Then add some flour and shape the dough into the desired shape.
- Finally, place them in the oven at 200 o C for one hour.
Olive bread
– Flour
– Water
– Salt
– Sourdough (yeast, kept from the previous bread we kneaded)
– Oil
– Olives
How it is prepared:
- First, add the ingredients in a bowl (the flour, water, salt and yeast)
- Then add some flour and shape the dough into the desired shape. After removing the pits from the olives and grinding them, add them to the dough.
- After removing the pits from the olives and grinding them,
add them to the dough. - Finally, place them in the oven at 200 o C for one hour.
Raisin bread
– Flour
– Water
– Salt
– Sourdough (yeast, kept from the previous bread we kneaded)
– Oil
How it is prepared:
- First, add your ingredients in a bowl (the flour, water, salt and yeast)
- Then add some flour and shape the dough into the desired shape. After kneading, add the raisins, which have been soaked in water.
- Finally, place them in the oven at 200 o C for one hour.
– 100g sugar
– 60g margarine
– 10g salt
– 130ml retsina
– 360ml lukewarm water
– 25g fresh yeast
– 900g soft flour flour (or Wholemeal Flour)
– A pan with yellow cheese
– Paprika spice
– A pan of water and a pan with sesame seeds (if you wish)
How it is prepared:
- Put the water, fresh yeast, sugar and retsina in the mixer bowl and mix.
- Add the flour, butter and salt.
- Knead until it becomes a soft dough.
- Divide the dough into three bowls and keep the first one.
- Add in the second bowl the yellow cheese and steer.
- Add in the third bowl the paprika spice and steer.
- Put the dough in a bowl, cover it and let it rest for an hour.
- Then divide the dough into balls and shape them in a circle.
- Dip each bread roll in water separately, drain and sprinkle with sesame seeds (if you wish).
- Place them on a tray with non-stick paper.
- Finally, bake them at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.
You can have a variety of breadsticks in a variety of flavors…!
The Participants Students:
Kioutsoukali Konstantina-Maria,
Stamati Freideriki,
Theodorou Myrto,
Triantafyllou Theano,
Tsilipira Maria Eleni
Co-ordinator Teachers:
Anastasia Psallida, Head of the International and European Programs Department of Hellenic College of Thessaloniki
Ioanna Kontou Founta, Study Supervisor of Hellenic College of Thessaloniki
Special Thanks to our students:
Tsilipira Maria-Eleni for her contribution to the symposium with the provision of all kinds of bread, Christopsomo, breadsticks and koulouri Thessalonikis, in the framework of the presentation of our project in Ancient Olympia & for the great hospitality she offered us for implementing the idea of the video “My recipes…my heritage” in her grandmother’s village, Sohos.
Nikolaos-Theofilos Tsironis for his contribution to the creation and the script of the video entitled “My recipes … my heritage”.